Dovecot Pro


Dovecot Pro is a fully supported email backend that is already the platform of choice of the world’s largest Telcos, ISPs and Hosters. Its cloud architecture delivers dynamic scalability, high performance, efficient utilization of hardware, and the ability to use multiple storage backends, as well as providing outstanding support from the people that built it. 

Feature List

  • Palomar Architecture
  • Bare Metal or Cloud your choice
  • Distributed, reliable and cost-effective

OX App Suite and Dovecot Pro

Both Dovecot Pro and OX App Suite are strong on their own, but even better together. Various innovative OX App Suite features and functions are based on Dovecot Pro, like push notifications, unique advertising options, automatically tabbed inbox, global attachment view, unified quota, shared mailboxes, automatic calendar processing, and virtual folders. OX App Suite and Dovecot Pro have a proven track record, servicing tens of millions of mailboxes worldwide, as well as being the core components of OX Cloud.

What are Dovecot Pro benefits?

  • Choose the storage that you want to use: Object/Block, Cloud/Local, CapEx/OpEx
  • Make downtime a thing of the past: Built-in and Automated Resilience
  • Save money: Significant Cost Savings
  • Ultimate email security: Advanced Security & Protection
  • Keep your email system legal with ease: Legal Compliance
  • Let us migrate your users: End-to-End Migration Assistance


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